Thursday, April 18, 2013

The NBA Playoffs: First Round Predictions

Eastern Conference:

Boston Celtics vs. New York Knicks

When all is said and done the New York Knicks will win this series based on the performance of the scoring title champion Carmelo Anthony.  His three point shot is second to none, combined with his versatility within the perimeter; he will make it difficult for anyone to body him up with enough speed and oppressive consistency.  While Paul Pierce will provide some much needed sparks at the perimeter himself, and Kevin Garnett will battle valiantly for every rebound, without the dominance of Rajon Rondo at the point guard position, the Boston Celtics won’t be able to keep up with the Knicks high octane offense.

New York Knicks Win Series 4-2

Miami Heat vs. Milwaukee Bucks
This one is a no brainer.  Between the dominance of the Big Three (James, Wade, Bosh)
combined with an impressive bench line up which can play both defense and offense proficiently (Andersen, Miller, Jones), Milwaukee simply doesn’t have the depth or athletic ability to keep up with the swiftness and physicality of a Heat team that is valiantly seeking a second consecutive national championship.

Miami Heat Win Series 4-0

Indiana Pacers vs. Atlanta Hawks

While the Pacers have lacked successful consistency down the stretch during the regular  Likewise, Atlanta has also had issues in the last dozen games of the regular season, particularly against teams that have solid defenses (San Antonio, Indiana, New York).  In the end, this game will come down to who can rebound the ball with continuity while also having the physical presence to drive the ball into the paint for either an easy lay-up or garnering a charge for two free throws.  In this type of defensive mash up, Atlanta simply doesn’t have the roster or depth to hold off this type of brutal onslaught.
season, Paul George, George Hill and especially Roy Hibbert have proven that overall they can not only be physical but also when the time comes they can play stellar offense on a fairly consistent basis.

Indiana Pacers Win Series 4-2

Brooklyn Nets vs. Chicago Bulls

It would be easy to say that without Derrick Rose, the Chicago Bulls will once again be doomed to an existence of post-season irrelevancy.  However, when you look at their innate ability to not  While the Brooklyn Nets have proven to be dangerous offensively at times with Brook Lopez as an underrated center, they are even more proficient at the defensive side of the ball.  However, the Bulls are not only more athletically sound in terms of defense (3rd in the league) they can also aggressively rebound more efficiently which gives them more opportunities to convert these relinquished possessions into point.  This series will come down to the wire, and may even be the most competitive series initially in the eastern conference.  However, the Bulls slightly better defensive effort combined with a stouter roster will prove too much for the Nets to handle
only demolish win streaks (Heat and Knicks) combined with their ability to prevent offensive heavy teams from getting on a hot streak, you have a recipe for success.

Chicago Bulls Win Series 4-3

Western Conference:

Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Houston Rockets

Houston Rocket’s fans should be pleased that their team made the playoffs as a result of the acquisitions of Jeremy Lin and of course the always looming athletic super star James Harden.  However, this brief rejoice will come to an end when the Rockets realize that their biggest regret of the regular season was that they failed to defeat the Los Angeles in their final game, which would have them facing a banged up San Antonio team instead.  As it stands now though, the Houston Rockets will be subjected to an offensive powerhouse that contains two highly prestigious NBA superstars in Kevin Durant (3-time consecutive scoring champion) and the always ferocious and vigilant Russell Westbrook.  While the Rockets score better as team on a regular basis (2nd in the league), their defense is simply atrocious (28th in the league).  This lack of balance will end in Durant and company having their way offensively with the Houston Rockets.

Oklahoma City Thunder Win Series 4-1

San Antonio Spurs vs. Los Angeles Lakers

While the Lakers proved to that they could play somewhat effectively without the legendary   This isn’t to say that the Lakers will be simply steam rolled by the Spurs.  San Antonio is still recovering from several key injuries along with their lack of swiftness and speed that has proven to be effective in wearing down the Lakers half-court defense.  Gasol and Howard will also provide an oppressive front that should allow them to obtain several rebounds to keep things interesting throughout the series.  However, once Tony Parker and Tim Duncan comeback into prime form, the uphill battle the Lakers will have to contend with down the stretch will be simply too much to handle for this team.
Kobe Bryant, they simply don’t have the know-how or the versatile skill set to defeat the Spurs without Bryant as the guiding force.

San Antonio Spurs Win Series 4-3

Golden State Warriors vs. Denver Nuggets

Two Words. Stephen Curry. This young wunderkind has not only proven he deserves a place in   He can shoot the three.  He can hit his mid range jump shot with fluidity and poise. He can even drive to the basket with the elusiveness and skill of a long time veteran at the same position.  While the team lacks a strong defensive identity, the Nuggets also suffer from this standpoint as well.  In the end, as long as Kenneth “the manimal” Faried is not 100%, Curry will be simply unstoppable and will ultimately give the Warriors a chance at the conference semifinals to prove that they are more than just a one hit wonder.
the NBA, but that he is also one of the most dominant offensive forces that has graced the court this season.

Golden State Warriors Win Series 4-3

Los Angeles Clippers vs. Memphis Grizzlies

Despite the Clippers internal strife, and their sub par performance in the latter half of the regular season, they still have one of the most imposing and ruthless big men in Blake Griffin   However, if anyone can give this team a run for their money it’s the Memphis Grizzlies.  They have the most dominant defense in the nation and have the ability to work the glass with a solid degree of aggressiveness and awareness.  Even with these attributes working in their favor, Memphis still has to contain Chris Paul while preventing him from dishing out the ball to his teammates, especially to the ever-ubiquitous Blake Griffin.  This type of persistence will overwhelm the Grizzlies just enough to prevent them from advancing to the next round in the playoffs.
along with a highly respected point guard in Chris Paul.

Los Angeles Clippers Win Series 4-3

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